1. Visit https://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi. 2. Under the "Binary Distributions" section, click "32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer" to download.
1. Visit https://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi. 2. Under the "Binary Distributions" section, click "32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer" to download.
Since WeChat is only popular in China, and all of their development articles are only written in Chinsese, I'll not offer the English version of this blog.
Since WeChat is only popular in China, and all of their development articles are only written in Chinsese, I'll not offer the English version of this blog.
It is very straightforward, so there is no extra explanations needed, I'll just list all the necessary steps in this article, in stead of explaining
From today on, I'm going to develop a Java web site to replace my current personal web site. It'll probably involve the following techniques: Java Spring MVC MySQL Bootstrap
To test the Java socket server I've created days before, I decided to write an Android application. The main function of this application is to upload the GPS information
Since the goal is to create a common Socket server, which means it can be used in very different occasions, I need a good structure to support it.
Although I normally don't want to use Java to create a GUI, I'm gonna do it this time, because I want to develop a Socket Server with Java, and it is better to have a User Interface
The code for the Search Module is very straightforward, so there is no extra explanations needed, I'll just list all the changes of the code in this article,
With 2 user-defined widgets I've created, it is easy to create the Statistics Module now. The code is very straightforward, so there is no extra explanations needed,